Square Swatches Preview

Round Swatches Preview

Square & Round Swatches Preview (premium Feature)
Video Tutorial
Global Settings
Variation Swatches can be demonstrate in two shapes. The Round Shape and Square Shape. The shape can be switch globally from the plugin backend Swatches Settings >> Simple.
Individual Product Attribute Based Setting
It’s the premium feature WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin. Make sure you have WooCommerce Variation Swatches Pro plugin besides the free version.[button style=”rounded-btn” text=”Live Demo” button_link=”http://bit.ly/round-square-demo-site-doc” link_target=”_blank” type=”medium-btn” bg_color=”#333333″ text_color=”#FFFFFF”] [button style=”rounded-btn” text=”Upgrade to Premium Version” button_link=”http://bit.ly/round-and-square-doc-pro-from-documentation” link_target=”_blank” type=”medium-btn” bg_color=”#56bfd4″ text_color=”#FFFFFF”]
Step 02: Configure Global Settings
When you specify Round Shape or Square Shape style from Swatches Settings >> Simple, it sets shapes style globally for entire store attribute. Suppose you have set round shape globally, but you want to some attribute of your product in Square shape. Do you can that from the Product edit mode Swatches >> Settings.